Wednesday, December 28, 2011


27 and 28 December 2011
Now that JoJo and PaPa live only 400m away there were lots of trips to the beach this Christmas.  Keeping Lily OUT of the water is the hard part.  Constant squeals of delight as the waves crashed around her!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

One massive big Sandpit

25 December 2011
The 4 steps to making sand castles...
1. Fill up the bucket and pat, pat, pat.

2. Tip it upside down and pat, pat, pat

3. Admire our work and

4. pat, pat, pat


Decorating the tree - the top or "adult half" with the pretty breakable decorations; the bottom left to the kids and the plastic "bubbles"

Got to get all the way to the bottom of the sack!

 Christmas isn't Christmas with cuddles and jumping on PaPa

Lots of good toys to play with.  Now to find them all homes.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


22 December 2011
The local shopping centre had a free Santa.  So Lily and I grabbed the little camera and went for a visit.  2 metres away was as close as we got. Maybe next year she'll stand next to him!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

In the Santa bag

15 December 2011
This year the Christmas tree was fairly simple as Lily has a fascination with "bubbles" on trees and wrapping on paper.  She is nearly to big for the santa bag now, and no where near as co-operative as last year!!
December 2010

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sandpit Fun

December 2011
Three little monkeys playing in the sand.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Water bottle mischef

7 December 2011
Although many methods have been tried to stop Lily pouring her water out,it continues.  The latest is to tip it into a cup which would not be a problem if said cup wasn't actually a block with holes in it...