Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jump on Daddy

When told to go and "jump on Daddy"; thats exactly what she does...

 and we think it's absolutely hilarious!!

July 2011

I can do it

10 July 2011 
Now we can climb on and off AND go forwards!

First Time Fishing

9 July 2011
We finally had a chance to break out the pink rod! 

It was a beautiful winters day with sun out and the breeze around the other corner.  Out we went with Grandad and Aunty "Army" Jen.  The rod was interesting and fun to turn, the catch was poor. 

Perhaps next time we'll catch a fish. Perhaps next time she won't mind the life jacket so much either!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lily and Daddy at the Park

2 July 2011
Queens Park, Toowoomba

Sliding with Daddy


Daddy teaching bad habits already

My hands are dirty, what is it?